Cnutly nominations open for tonight’s Stilgherrian Live

Cnut of the Week graphic

It’s Thursday. It must be Cnut Time. Yes, nominations are now open for “Cnut of the Week”!

For those new to the game, we’re honouring King Cnut the Great who, as legend would have it, attempted to hold back the tide to prove to his sycophantic courtiers that he was a mortal man. Each week we ask: Who do you think is futilely resisting the tide of change?

Nominations are open to people, organisations, nations and even abstract forces of nature — but your nomination has to reflect the news of the last week, and you have to give reasons. As usual, I’ll select the shortlist at 8.30pm Sydney time, and you can vote during tonight’s edition of Stilgherrian Live from 9.30pm Sydney time.

Who do you nominate, and why? Don’t forget the “Why?”!

[Update Friday 27 March: Due to peacocks, the program didn’t happen. I will therefore do a special catch-up edition of Stilgherrian Live tonight at 9.30pm Sydney time. Nominations for “Cnut of the week” are still open until 8.30pm.]

56 Replies to “Cnutly nominations open for tonight’s Stilgherrian Live”

  1. Obviously the Russian Mob deserve a nomination. They seem to be almost as dangerous to the Internet’s prospects for survival as Senator Conroy.

  2. The person(s) within Defence that have destabilised this country by making a mockery of dear leader joel fitzgibbon. do these ‘diggers’ realise what they’ve done? it’s lamentable that dear leader jeopardised national security (manifest as a rift) pursuing political survival, does he not realise the ‘indo knee asians’ are watching. how can we not accept dear leaders ‘omissions’ as nothing but a rookie mistake, i for one do, and congratulate him on his tireless quest for a new quality in accountability.

  3. Alfie Patten, the English teenager who thought he’d impregnated his girlfriend at the age of 12, but recent DNA test proves NOT!!!

    He couldn’t resist the Cnut of his girlfriend, 15-year-old Chantelle Steadman.

    In fact, the whole of their family should be given the award for resisting evolutionary change and holding back humankind.

  4. OK, my Bolt nomination for his continual and unrelenting climate change denying, despite all evidence to the contrary… not as ‘humorous’ as my previous entries, but my nomination is now new — with added ‘tide of change’.

  5. In the chat last night (at one stage there were 28 of us waiting for you and commenting on QandA), many people asked if it was too late to vote for Andrew Bolt or Jesus Bolt as someone referred to him, as Cnut. So I will go with Bolt for my nomination as belated Cnut of the Week too.

  6. Michael Malone and iiNet for trying to hold back the progress of those nice filter trials by demanding things that would deliver actual usable data and avoid self-selection bias. The utter cheek.

    1. I must say the appeal to Moore’s Law was endearing. First of course he got the time interval wrong, and then screwed up the entire concept. Poor old Conroy clearly has an advanced degree in fail.

  7. Bolt again. Here’s the tide of change he’s resisting: the audience has a fucking clue now, yet he persists in speaking to us as though we’re as uninformed, thick and easily deceived as his imagined stereotype of the Daily Terror readership.

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