The 9pm Dream Cheese of Digital Tyranny with Justin Warren

Justin Warren
Justin Warren’s face is captured to prove that he’s allowed to access social media in South Australia. (Photo: Kyle Taylor/ABC News)

In recent weeks the Australian government has opened multiple fronts in its war against the social media giants. So who better to speak with than Justin Warren, “consultant, freedom of information tragic, hexagon enthusiast, and creator of the CyberRating™ labelling scheme”?

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Weekly Wrap 404: The gorge, then the goats

Piper in the GorgeMy week of Monday 19 to Sunday 25 February 2018 was a good one. So good, in fact, that I don’t have time to give you more than the essential details.



Media Appearances

  • On Tuesday, I spoke about the South Australian government’s new plan for broadband on ABC Radio, and was interrupted by a drunk man complaining that I was talking too loudly. A recording will be posted very soon.
  • T

  • On Thursday, The Weeky Times mentioned that I’d be at GoatFest Tasmania, but somehow I got listed as an “ABC celebrity”.

Corporate Largesse


The Week Ahead

The week begins in Tasmania. On Monday, the morning is the bus ride from Launceston to Hobart, the afternoon is the highly-regarded Museum of Old and New Art (MONA), and the evening is dinner with some friends at Bar Wa Izakaya. Don’t worry, they’re paying.

Tuesday morning will be a much-needed lazy one, then I’m on ABC Hobart talking about goats at 1335 AEDT.

On the evening of Tuesday 27 February, I’m recording a Pivate House Forum episode of The 9pm Edict, a panel show like the Public House Forum episodes but without a live audience. I’m expecting that to be streamed live from Hobart at 2100 AEDT.

Wednesday is a free-ish day in Hobart, before a late afternoon flight back to Sydney. Thursday and Friday are writing days.

Further Ahead

I’m travelling to a few cities to present at a commercial event. Details TBA, but I’ll be in Melbourne on Tue 20 Mar, Brisbane on Wed 21, Adelaide on Thu 22 (and staying there through the weekend, I hope), and Sydney on Tue 27.

I’ve launched another Pozible campaign, The 9pm Hometown Forum, which aims to fund a Public House Forum episode of the Edict on Saturday 24 March.

Looking way further ahead:

  • Australian Cyber Security Centre (ACSC) Conference, Canberra, 10–12 April.
  • Australian Cyber Conference, formerly the Australian Information Security Association (AISA) National Conference, Melbourne, 9–11 October.

[Photo: Piper in the Gorge. A piper busks on the path through Cataract Gorge near Launceston, Tasmania, on 24 February 2018.]

Weekly Wrap 391: Figs, cheese, and crowdfunding

Dried figs with blue cheeseAs with last week, I won’t say much about the week of Monday 20 to Sunday 26 November 2017 either, except to say that things are, more or less, wonderful. At least by comparison, etc.

In The 9pm Edict Summer Series we reached Target One. Thank you everyone. So now there’ll be two extra episodes of The 9pm Edict podcast over summer:

But, to what happened this week…



Media Appearances

Corporate Largesse


The Week Ahead

Monday through Wednesday I’m concentrating on DirectorTech. Also on Wednesday I’m heading down to Sydney for medical appointments, the ones I’d originally planned to do last Friday, as well as recording a spot for ABC Melbourne. I’ll be answering the question “What is the cloud?” some time after 1900 AEDT.

The rest of the week is unplanned, but I’m sure it’ll include some writing for ZDNet.

[Photo: Dried figs with blue cheese, part of the lovely cheese platter at the West Ryde Hotel. Photographed on 25 November 2017.]