Weekly Wrap 616: La Niña takes a break but it is a world of mould, fatigue, and history

A7V Mephisto

I saw the Sun several times during the week of Monday 14 to Sunday 20 March 2022, but its effect was to illuminate the layers of mould that now seem to cover so many surfaces. My greatest challenge was finding a shop with stocks of mould killer. My escape continued to be hours and hours of history.

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Weekly Wrap 606: Nothing more than a cardoon version of reality, but with rain


My week of Monday 3 to Sunday 9 January 2022 included very little productivity apart from the Quiz and the Pozible campaign, but that was quite enough for the first full week of a new year. That’s what I say. Anyway, it was another soggy week of La Niña so I didn’t really go anywhere.

Continue reading “Weekly Wrap 606: Nothing more than a cardoon version of reality, but with rain”