Talking Pokémon Go and e-voting on ABC 774 Melbourne

ABC Sydney TARDIS 1ABC logoThe massive global phenomenon that is the Pokémon Go augmented reality game naturally caught the interest of media producers all over — including at ABC 774 Melbourne.

Here’s my chat with Wendy Touhy from the evening of 20 July. I’m hoping I didn’t screw up some detail of the game, although I’m pretty sure I did.

We also spoke about one of my pet topics, the risks of electronic voting.

This audio is ©2016 Australian Broadcasting Corporation.

[Photo: Ready to go live on ABC 774 Melbourne from ABC Sydney TARDIS 1, 20 July 2016.]

Weekly Wrap 320: A midwinter shift in focus

Sydney in WinterMy week of Monday 11 to Sunday 17 July 2016 was full of exhaustion.

After finishing an important stage in bringing my tax compliance up to date last week, and after producing a marathon podcast, the stress was reduced a little. I spent a lot of time resting this week.

That said, in between the sleep and the neverending lurgi, I did start to get back into research and writing, and the coming week will see more.


  • “The 9pm One Nation Policy Reading”, being The 9pm Edict episode 61, was posted on Monday night, having been recorded the previous Saturday. You can also listen on SoundCloud and Spreaker. Yes I know I listed this last week, but if other people listed for more than two and a half hours then so can you.


Media Appearances

Corporate Largesse

None. But there’s plenty in the coming week.

The Week Ahead

I believe I’ll be in Sydney all this week, working through some geek stuff, as well as writing for ZDNet. So far I also have three fixed appointments…

On Wednesday evening, I’ll be doing a radio spot on ABC 774 Melbourne, at either 1900 or 1930 AEST. Check my Twitter stream on the day for the time.

On Thursday, I’ve got a couple of briefings. First thing in the morning, it’s a briefing on the current state of ransomware by folks from Trend Micro. Then in the late afternoon it’s a look at “The Changing Landscape of Cybersecurity” from a legal and risk perspective, with law firm Jones Day, and a panel including Alastair MacGibbon, who’s now the prime minister’s special adviser on cyber security.

Further Ahead

While the following few weeks are still be be organised, I can say that I’ll be going to theGartner Security & Risk Management Summit in Sydney on 22-23 August, and the AISA National Conference in Sydney on 18-20 October.

[Photo: Sydney in Winter, photographed from Lilyfield in the late afternoon of 13 July 2016.]

“The 9pm One Nation Policy Reading” LIVE

Photo of One Nation's policy flyer, with a microphone in the foregroundSaturday’s recording session of “The 9pm One Nation Policy Reading” will be streamed live from 2000 AEST via Spreaker.

You can listen right here. The widget immediately below currently shows all the episodes of the Edict uploaded to Spreaker. A “Live” button will appear when the broadcast starts.

You can also use the Spreaker apps (the listening apps, not the studio/production apps), or listen on The 9pm Edict’s show page.

If you want to read along at home, grab One Nation’s policy agenda. Tweet along using the hashtag #9pmlive.

A test transmission will start at 1945 AEST, a quarter of an hour before the program proper starts at 2000 AEST.

[Photo: Part of One Nation’s policy flyer, with a Sennheiser microphone in the foreground.]

Analysing The 9pm Edict’s Hidden Costs

Hero Image of distorted chartI’ve been analysing the time it takes to produce each episode of The 9pm Edict podcast, and the results are disturbing.

Well, they disturbed me.

The Short Version

Audio recording is a relatively small part of the process. My workflows are inefficient, because I’m always playing with the format rather than settling into a routine, let alone automating things.

On a personal note, lack of confidence sometimes slows the creative process. Thanks, brain. I also spend more time fussing over the audio mix than is probably warranted.

The time taken to produce each episode is usually 10x or even 20x longer than the finished podcast. The crowdfunded budget falls way short of proper compensation. And that doesn’t even take into account the time taken to do that crowdfunding.

The Long Version

What I just said, but with charts, and much more background information.
Continue reading “Analysing The 9pm Edict’s Hidden Costs”

Talking hacking smart cars on ABC 774 Melbourne

Signage at ABC Ultimo

ABC logoThis week’s news that Mitsubishi’s Outlander hybrid car had been hacked caught the eye of ABC Radio producer Amber Tripp. As a result, I ended up talking about this topic on ABC 720 Perth and ABC 774 Melbourne.

This is the Melbourne radio spot, a lengthy discussion of the smart car hacking, as well as many semi-related topics. The presenter is Casey Bennetto.

This audio is ©2016 Australian Broadcasting Corporation.

[Photo: Signage at the rear entrance to ABC Ultimo, photographed on 6 June 2016.]

The 9pm Edict’s Public House Forum LIVE

Screenshot of The 9pm Edict being recordedToday’s recording session of The 9pm Edict’s Public House Forum will now be streamed live from 1400 AEST.

As before, I’ll be using Spreaker, a streaming audio platform.

You’ll be able to listen right here on this web page using the widget immediately below (which shows all the episodes of the Edict uploaded to Spreaker so far). A “Live” button will appear when the broadcast starts.

[Update 5 June 2016: The recording has been done. The Spreaker player currently shows the raw recording. You’ll have to skip in 45 min 45 sec to get to the actual program. This will be replaced with the final edited version later today on Monday.]

You can also use any of the various Spreaker apps (the listening apps, not the studio/production apps), or presumably listen on the The 9pm Edict’s show page at Spreaker.

You’ll be able to tweet along using the Twitter hashtag #9pmlive.

I’ll have some sort of test transmission running from 1345 AEST, so a quarter of an hour before the program proper starts at 1400 AEST.