I’m quite pleased with my week of Monday 15 to Sunday 21 June 2020. I wrote two articles, both of which were interesting. And I did four radio spots, two of which have had their audio posted here.
Continue reading “Weekly Wrap 525: Productivity returned, and then there was the Solstice”Weekly Wrap 520: The full-week 50-metre challenge
Thanks to the COVID-10 lockdown and, it must be admitted, quite a bit of laziness, the entirety of my week of Monday 11 to Sunday 17 May 2020 was spent less than 50 metres from my bed. Well, from the house. I did get out of bed a bit.
Continue reading “Weekly Wrap 520: The full-week 50-metre challenge”Weekly Wrap 519: Walking past a derelict hotel is a metaphor for something
My week of Monday 4 to Sunday 10 May 2020 saw lots of talking, a little bit of writing, and a birthday party via video conference. That last bit worked better than I expected. Sunday was a far shorter day than most, for some reason.
Continue reading “Weekly Wrap 519: Walking past a derelict hotel is a metaphor for something”Weekly Wrap 518: COVIDSafe, cybers, and a lot of wind
Last Sunday the Australian government launched its COVIDSafe contact tracing app, and my week of Monday 26 April to Sunday 3 May 2020 contained a lot talking about it — for which I’m not paid of course. However my writing for ZDNet was about longer-term issues of national cyber resilience and diplomacy. Mostly.
Continue reading “Weekly Wrap 518: COVIDSafe, cybers, and a lot of wind”Weekly Wrap 516: Even the cockatoos are suffering during the COVID-19 lockdown
My week of Monday 13 to Sunday 19 April 2020 saw me write the first proper article in nearly a month. It’s an amazing change. And the weekly podcasts continue. Is this a new pattern?
Continue reading “Weekly Wrap 516: Even the cockatoos are suffering during the COVID-19 lockdown”Weekly Wrap 511: Ranting as the world begins to fall apart
The week of Monday 9 to Sunday 15 March 2020 saw a shift in Australia’s reaction to the COVID-19 coronavirus, with the first warnings to start “social distancing”. My burst of productivity will be hard to keep going. I’ll write more about this virus thing another time.
Continue reading “Weekly Wrap 511: Ranting as the world begins to fall apart”