Weekly Wrap 520: The full-week 50-metre challenge

Thanks to the COVID-10 lockdown and, it must be admitted, quite a bit of laziness, the entirety of my week of Monday 11 to Sunday 17 May 2020 was spent less than 50 metres from my bed. Well, from the house. I did get out of bed a bit.

Throughout my ninth week of lockdown I was still reasonably well stocked with food and alcohol, so there was no need for me to go anywhere. NSW has now relaxed some restrictions as part of Step 1 of the plan, but I won’t enjoy these new freedoms until the coming week.

This week’s Lowy Institute discussion with former foreign ministers Julie Bishop and Gareth Evans was rather interesting. Here’s the video and the audio.


  • “The 9pm His Plague Diary 9”, being The 9pm Edict episode 105 recorded on Saturday. It’s also on Spreaker and SoundCloud, as well as Apple Podcasts, Castbox, Deezer, Google Podcasts, iHeartRadio, Pocket Casts, Podcast Addict, Podchaser, and Spotify.

The 9pm Edict podcast is supported by the generosity of its listeners. Please subscribe for special benefits or throw a few coins into the tip jar.


Media Appearances

Corporate Largesse

None, but thanks as always to the new and returning supporters who hit the tip jar. You’re more than welcome to do the same.

The Week Ahead

The isolation continues at Bunjaree Cottages at Wentworth Falls, and I’ll continue to attempt to catch up with my writing for ZDNet.

On Monday evening I’ll drop in to John Martinkus in conversation with Mark Davis, about Davis’ book The Road: Uprising in West Papua. I don’t know enough about this. Most Autralians don’t know enough about this. Update 19 May 2020: I missed watching the livestream, but there will be a video in due course.

Thursday sees a day trip to Sydney for a medical-adjacent appointment and probably a couple of other things.

There will almost certainly be yet another His Plague Diary episode of The 9pm Edict at some point.

Further Ahead

There’s still almost nothing scheduled for certain. These conference dates are tentative.

[Photo: Dismantling the Fallen Tree. Our neighbours at Bunjaree Cottages have been slowly dismantling a tree that blew over in a wind storm mid-April. This is how exciting things have been during the COVID-19 lockdown. Photographed on 9 May 2020.]