Weekly Wrap 503: A podcast was created, but have the bushfires ended?

During the week of Monday 13 to Sunday 19 January 2020, I was attacked by a cat, and I produced a podcast, but was also distracted by some personal matters which won’t be described here.


  • “The 9pm Authentic Aussie Inauthentic Robot Food Politics, with Added Platypus”, being The 9pm Edict episode 94. It’s also on Spreaker and SoundCloud. This is the episode with the taste test of those new Arnott’s Shapes flavours.

The 9pm Edict podcast is supported by the generosity of its listeners. Please subscribe for special benefits or throw a few coins into the tip jar. This is an important month to contribute, not only because it’s been Freelancer Summer Hell, but because there’s a special deal

SPECIAL BONUS: If new contributions between now and the end of the month, 31 January 2020 at midnight AEST, reach $500 I’ll livestream a dramatic reading of 5G conspiracy theories for an hour. If it reaches $1000, two hours. And so on. Please consider.

Media Appearances

Articles, Corporate Largesse


The Week Ahead

There will be some writing for ZDNet, obviously. At least two stories, but don’t ask me which days they’ll happen.

On Thursday I’m recording another episode of The 9pm Edict with Nicholas Fryer. It’ll be posted that night. [Update 20 January 2020: The recording won’t be happening this week, for various reasons. I’ll let you know when it happens. Remember, though, that SPECIAL BONUS for supporters is still on.]

Saturday begins the Australia Day long weekend, but I don’t have any plans yet. Saturday is also Lunar New Year in many cultures, so I suppose I should work into the agenda as well.

Further Ahead

A few events have been locked in. Please let me know if there’s anything I should add. Send airline tickets if it’s outside the Sydney region.

[Photo: Sydney from Kings Cross. The view towards the Sydney CBD along William Street from Kings Cross on 14 January 2020, with the sky showing some clear blue for one of the first times since the bushfires earlier in the month.]