Weekly Wrap 682: Winter brings a podcast, and a random puppy

The main products from my week of Monday 19 to Sunday 25 June 2023 were a long podcast and a regular blog post. The other main achievement was surviving some annoyingly cold weather. The puppy just appeared, somehow. His name is Charlie and he is an idiot.

Fox update: Is the fox dead?

On Monday I was told that early that morning a fox had been found severely injured at the side of a road only a few hundred metres from where I sit. A passing driver stopped and took it to a vet to be euthanised.

I don’t have ay photos or other description because I heard this third-hand, but the timing fits with when “he”our” fox was usually comes by. I’ll still leave the cameras out, and update you if and when we learn anything.


I’m currently surveying my podcast listeners to find out what you’d prefer listening to. Please go to The 9pm Quick Survey 2: Whaddyawant? by this Friday 30 June 2023.

The 9pm Edict is supported by the generosity of its listeners. You can subscribe for special benefits or throw a few coins into the tip jar. Please consider.


As we approach the end of the financial year, I am thinking about going back to doing more reportage.

You can read my previous writing at Authory, where you can also subscribe to an email compilation of any new stories each Sunday morning.

Videos, Photos, Media Appearances, Corporate Largesse

None of these things. You can subscribe to my YouTube channel to be notified when new videos appear.


In a week of strange news, Elon Musk manages to make it even stranger than usual.

Did you listen to Rhymes with Sasquatch | Pilot? Is this something you’d like more of?

In other news:

The Week Ahead

This will primarily be a bookkeeping week to wrap up the financial year, which happens on Friday, although I also have a variety of client tasks to knock off. I’ll schedule that day by day.

On Saturday I’ll start the second half of 2023 with a planning day.

Sunday will see a day trip to Sydney for lunch with a co-conspirator and maybe some errands.

Further Ahead

  • Cyber impacts on the US/PRC military balance, UTS Australia-China Relations Institute, online, 6 July 2023.
  • The 9pm Public House Forum 8 livestream and recording, 22 July 2023 at 1pm (TBC). To stay informed you should be on the mailing list, because this date is only tentative at this stage.
  • NetThing Internet Governance Forum, Brisbane and online, 28 August 2023 (TBC).
  • APNIC 56, Kyoto and online, 12–14 September 2023. I very much doubt that I’ll be going to Japan, but this is always such a good conference (TBC).

[Photo: Charlie the Puppy, a new resident at Bunjaree Cottages who’s a cross between a golden retriever and a husky. Photographed trotting with his ears up on 19 June 2023.]