Weekly Wrap 659: The new computer finally arrives after much chaos, and the year’s work can begin

Cloudy day over Potts Point

My week of Monday 9 to Sunday 15 January 2023 was dominated by the logistics of getting the new computer, or more accurately the failure thereof. That said, I did finally receive the machine and get it set up. And some of my consulting work entered a new phase.

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The 9pm The Right Stuff with Bonus Fascists

Ryann McEnany, the sister of former White House press secretary Kayleigh McEnany, seen in a promotional video for conservative dating site The Right Stuff in August 2022. Inset: Stilgherrian’s new MacBook Pro computer seen on 11 January 2023. (Photo: Stilgherrian)

Happy New Year! The Premier of NSW once dressed as a Nazi and people are losing their minds. It’s the perfect start to 2023.

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