The 9pm Public House Forum 2

The 9pm Edict's Public House Forum #2 being recorded: see text for caption

Do you wink at powerful men? Apparently winking at powerful men is a thing, and we hear more about this and other tips for success in this rather odd episode of The 9pm Edict.

The panellists are, in order of introduction:

  • Kate Carruthers, UNSW übergeek and revolutionary cat;
  • Nicole Williamson, Carbon and biotech consultant, or, as her Twitter profile puts it, “Science, Tech, Cleantech, Rugby Tragic, Aircraft Fleet Geek, Women as Leaders/Founders/Investors, all things Startup. Half Canadian, half Australian, half German”; and
  • Jazz Twemlow, comedian, columnist for The Guardian, and writer
Continue reading “The 9pm Public House Forum 2”

The 9pm Garden of Hate

The 9pm Edict recording setup

Planet Earth is dissolving into a replay of the Middle Ages. Crusader Rabbit is off his leash, with more mouth foam than a rabid dog full of dishwashing liquid.

In this podcast, there’s talk of cybercrime, civilisation, sodomy, and probing up the jaxie. Nicholas Fryer ponders the strange days of Australian politics. And there’s just a little too much information about teapots.

Continue reading “The 9pm Garden of Hate”

Announcing “The 9pm Live Animal Experiments 2”

Screenshot of Audio Hijack in operationTonight’s episode of The 9pm Edict will be another live special, recorded live to “tape” while streaming it to the internet, just like a live radio program. That’s so live! And it’s happening tonight, Thursday 10 December 2015 at 2100 AEDT.

I’ll be using Spreaker, a streaming audio platform.

You’ll be able to listen right here on this web page using the widget immediately below (which shows all the episodes of the Edict uploaded to Spreaker so far). A “Live” button will appear when the broadcast starts.

You can also use any of the various Spreaker apps (the listening apps, not the studio/production apps), or presumably listen on the The 9pm Edict’s show page at Spreaker.

You’ll be able to tweet along using the Twitter hashtag #9pmlive.

I’ll have some sort of test transmission running from 2030 AEDT, so half an hour before the program proper starts at 2100 AEDT.

Announcing “The 9pm Edict’s Public House Forum #2”

Photo of Salisbury Hotel: click for podcast event page

The 9pm Edict cover art version 2, 150 pixelsWould you like to witness the recording of another very special episode of The 9pm Edict podcast? Then organise yourself to be at the second Public House Forum on Saturday 19 December.

Yes, once more I’m recording a forum in a public house — yes, a pub — where four interesting people will join me to discuss the important issues of the day.

It’ll be a lot like the first one.

The panelists will include:

  • Jazz Twemlow, comedian, columnist for The Guardian, and writer
  • Kate Carruthers, UNSW übergeek and revolutionary cat
  • Nicole Williamson, Carbon and biotech consultant, or, as her Twitter profile puts it, “Science, Tech, Cleantech, Rugby Tragic, Aircraft Fleet Geek, Women as Leaders/Founders/Investors, all things Startup. Half Canadian, half Australian, half German”
  • … and possibly another.

The venue is the Salisbury Hotel, 118 Percival Road, Stanmore NSW 2048. The podcast recording starts at 2pm — but I strongly recommend that you arrive well before that, so you can order lunch and a few beverages and get into the mood.

Space is strictly limited, so you’ll need to book a (free) ticket through Eventbrite. Do it. Do it now.

[Photo: The Salisbury Hotel, Stanmore, photographed on 8 December 2015.]