Corey t-shirts available, website traffic doubles

Image of Corey Delaney Worthington t-short: I’ll say sorry but I’m not taking off my glasses

Yes, Corey t-shirts are now available from BustedTees.

While it’s a day since Alex Willemyns posted this, one still wonders what took them so long. They had hours! Will Corey demand a cut of the profits. Or are the shirts are already courtesy of his agent?

Alex also posts what I agree is one of Corey’s best quotes.

Over the past couple of days, traffic to this website has doubled thanks to people eager for Corey news.

I’d particularly like to commend the 48 people who were searching for “corey delaney naked”. Class act, folks.

10 Replies to “Corey t-shirts available, website traffic doubles”

  1. That quote has to be in the running for the quote of the year — 943 Google hits and counting.

    It so completely sums up how the media got suckered by this story.

  2. Over the past couple of days, traffic to this website has doubled thanks to people eager for Corey news.

    I’m one of the people who stumbled across this blog as the result of a Corey-related Google search. I suppose I can at least thank the little toe-rag for that, as I’ve since been enjoying your non-Corey-related articles as well.

    I’d also just like to say kudos to ACA, without whom Corey: The T-Shirt would not have been possible, for their valiant attempt to claim the moral high-ground while at the same time shamelessly exploiting a minor, who then proceeded to verbally bitch-slap them.

  3. @Sweet Sister Morphine: Well welcome, Good Sister! I must admit, I’ve been on a bit of a writing jag since the start of the year — which I’m quite happy about. Let’s hope I can sustain the pace and keep everyone interested!

    And yes, Corey does seem to be creating a very saleable character…

  4. Ouch — when I Google ‘Corey Delaney naked’, you come in fourth (and that’s not even counting the news result). Pick up your act, there’s smutty web traffic for the taking!

  5. I get 3rd not 4th, take away the 2 news reports and this site is the place to be for nudey fun whilst wearing your sunglasses

    Not even if it were anatomically correct Stil, not even for those rock hard abs, or those chiseled social morals

  6. @Alex Willemyns: There’s a reason my new business is called Skank Media… 😉

    @Rhys: Google gives different search results to different people, based on all sorts of factors. The journalistic myth of objectivity is being replaced by a worldview that’s complete quantum subjectivity. (And those thoughts should be explored further some time, eh?)

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