Weekly Wrap 327: Spring is far more painful than planned

Almond Blossom at Bunjaree Cottages, Day Four: click to embiggenMy week of Monday 29 August to Sunday 4 September 2016 was full of pain. I didn’t realise how seriously I’d been injured last weekend. Somehow, however, there’s plenty of things to report.

The injury I mentioned last week turned out to be a severe contusion — that’s bruising — of the ribs. It was just short of a fracture, but oddly enough the bruising is usually more painful, and that pain will be with me for several weeks. It’s strong painkillers, anti-inflammatories, and rest for me.

I strongly recommend never getting severe rib contusions.

All last week’s planned events were cancelled. It’s a good thing, therefore, that things emerged from the pipeline.


Media Appearances


None, but next episode of The 9pm Edict podcast will be recorded and streamed live on Tuesday 6 September at 2100 AEST.

Corporate Largesse


The Week Ahead

Monday is a relatively quiet day. I’m being interviewed about The Code at 1430, but apart from that it’s production planning and administrivia, I think.

On Tuesday, it’s an episode of The 9pm Edict podcast.

Past that, well, it depends on the pain levels and the mood. This much pain doesn’t exactly cheer one up. But I’d like to get down to Sydney for at least one day. Stay tuned.

Further Ahead

I’m going to the Palo Alto Networks Cyber Security Summit in Sydney on 22 September, the AISA National Conference in Sydney on 18-20 October, the Ruxcon Security Conference in Melbourne on 22-23 October, and an event in Melbourne I can’t tell you about yet on 17 November.

[Photo: Almond Blossom at Bunjaree Cottages, Day Four, one in a series of daily photos taken of an almond tree at Bunjaree Cottages near Wentworth Falls, 100km west of Sydney — although the images are of different parts of the tree. This one was taken on 2 September 2016.]

Weekly Wrap 312: How can this possibly be right?

Sydney Harbour Bridge from 35 Clarence Street: click to embiggenMonday 16 to Sunday 22 May 2016 was another week that went pretty much to plan. That’s two in a row!

I won’t jinx it by saying anything else.



None, but I’ve started work on the next episode of The 9pm Edict.

Media Appearances


Corporate Largesse

  • On Tuesday, I went to the Sydney media launch for Huawei’s Mate 8 smartphone. Drinks and canapés were served, and I now have a loaner review unit of said phone. I’ll post my comments in due course.
  • On Wednesday, I went to a lunchtime briefing by SimpliVity at GPO Prime Steak Restaurant, where the food and wine was as stunning as ever. We also received a goodie bag containing SimpliVity-branded Google Cardboard VR viewer, Chipolo Bluetooth tracker tag, and pen.

The Week Ahead

Monday morning begins with sorting out a billion loose ends. Well half a billion. Then I’ll finish that episode of The 9pm Edict podcast.

On Tuesday, I’ll take the train to Sydney to deal with a few errands, and then at 1510 catch VA527 SYD-OOL. From Tuesday evening through to Friday afternoon, I’ll be covering the AusCERT Cyber Security Conference on the Gold Coast. Apart from my usual conference coverage, once more I’ll be on the panel for the event’s closing Speed Debate. And then at 1705 I’ll be heading back south on VA536 OOL-SYD.

I’ll then be staying in Sydney overnight, and probably for the weekend, but that latter part has yet to be confirmed.

Further Ahead

On the afternoon of Saturday 4 June, I hope to be recording The 9pm Edict Public House Forum 3 at a location to be announced. If nothing else, it’s half-way through Australia’s interminable election campaign, so I suspect that may be one of the topics for discussion. I have left the organisation a bit late, however, so I may have to drop it back to an ordinary episode.

Another episode will appear some time around Monday 20 June.

[Photo: Sydney Harbour Bridge from 35 Clarence Street. Photograph taken in the late afternoon of 17 May 2016 from the rooftop bar at 35 Clarence Street, Sydney.]

Weekly Wrap 311: A week that went to plan, mostly

Red Dawn: click to embiggenMy week of Monday 9 to Sunday 15 May 2016 went pretty much to plan. I think that’s all that needs to be said.



None, but earlier today I made a special announcement.

Media Appearances


Corporate Largesse

None, but there’ll be quite a lot next week.

The Week Ahead

Monday is about bookkeeping and sorting out a billion loose ends.

Tuesday will be a geek-work day, and in the afternoon I’ll be heading to Sydney for a launch event for Huawei’s new Mate 8 smartphone. I’ll be staying in Sydney overnight.

On Wednesday, I’m going to a media lunch with Doron Kempel, founder and global CEO of SimpliVity. While I tense up every time I near their buzzword “hyperconvergence”, Mr Kempel is one of those tech CEOs who can talk intelligently about the industry as a whole without turning everything into a product pitch. The day ends with drinks with a friend.

Thursday will be a writing day. I’ll also be returning to Wentworth Falls.

Friday will be another bookkeeping day, with a medical appointment in Sydney at the end.

The weekend will see me put together an episode of The 9pm Edict podcast.

Further Ahead

On 24-27 May, I’m covering the AusCERT Cyber Security Conference on the Gold Coast. Apart from my usual conference coverage, once more I’ll be on the panel for the event’s closing Speed Debate.

On the afternoon of Saturday 4 June, I’ll be recording The 9pm Edict Public House Forum 3 at a location to be announced. If nothing else, it’s half-way through Australia’s interminable election campaign, so I suspect that may be one of the topics for discussion. Another episode will appear some time around Monday 20 June.

[Update 15 May 2016, 1750 AEST: Edited to reflect changes to “The Week Ahead”.]

[Photo: Red Dawn. Smoke from the hazard-reduction burns in the Blue Mountains National Park may have made the air more difficult to breathe, but it also made for some spectacular dawns. This was the view from Rosella Cottages at Bunjaree Cottages, near Wentworth Falls, on 12 May 2016. Not bad for an iPhone camera in low light.]

Talking the Ashley Madison data breach on ABC 936 Hobart

ABC logoThe information security news story of the week was, of course, the data breach at “affairs” and “cheaters” website Ashley Madison, something first reported by journalist Brian Krebs.

I spoke about this data breach in a couple of radio spots — I’m reluctant to call it a
“hack” until we have some evidence that a hack was involved, as opposed to some internal problem — but I reckon the first was the best.

Here’s that conversation, a 13-minute chat from Tuesday morning with ABC 936 Hobart morning presenter Leon Compton. Enjoy.

The audio is of course ©2015 Australian Broadcasting Corporation.

Weekly Wrap 233: From privacy around and back to privacy

The Central Points: click to embiggenMy week of Monday 17 to Sunday 23 November 2014 was pleasingly productive, and struck a better balance between work and leisure time than the previous week. This pleases me.

I also suspect that Saturday night’s New Moon heralded the start of a new cycle of something or other, because so far Sunday has felt very different. We shall see.



There were editions of the 5at5 email newsletter on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Friday. Why not subscribe so you receive them all?

Media Appearances

Corporate Largesse

  • On Monday, I covered the iappANZ conference, so there was food and drink on offer, and so I consumed same. I also had too many drinks with certain ISOC-AU people afterwards.

The Week Ahead

On Monday, I’ll be writing a column for ZDNet Australia, and planning some technical work that’ll unfold in December.

On Tuesday, I’m heading in to Sydney for a lunchtime briefing by AVG Technologies. On the train, I’ll be working on a feature article for ZDNet Australia that’s due at the end of the month. I’ll complete that feature on Wednesday.

On Thursday, I’m writing another column for ZDNet Australia, and heading to Sydney for the annual internet industry boat party on Sydney Harbour, followed by further drinks in the evening. I’ll be staying in Sydney overnight.

On Friday, I’m writing a piece for Crikey, and starting work on another episode of The 9pm Edict podcast. That podcast will be finished on the weekend — although what else that weekend may hold is still to be determined.

[Photo: The Central Points, being part of a set of railway track points — what Americans would call “railroad switches” — photographed on 17 November 2014.]

Weekly Wrap 152: LulzSec, Optus, radio and thinking stuff

Changing alphabets: click to embiggenMy week Monday 29 April to Sunday 5 May 2013 began gently, with planning and washing and other chores, and just two articles to write. But by Wednesday night I’d also done four radio spots, washed an infinite number of towels, and eaten most of a sheep.

Or so it felt.

Then Thursday was full of the Optus Vision 2013 conference, followed by a late train journey back to the Blue Mountains. It was tough to get into work mode on Friday, but I did, and wrote my second article. And washed more towels. And then on Saturday I did the full sloth.

But the most important part of the week, at least in the long term, was all the time I spent from Friday onwards thinking about the unexpected good news I mentioned last week. It means that I’ll soon be able to work on some projects that have been sitting on the back burner, and you’ll start to see them emerging over the next few weeks.


Both of these articles resulted from this week’s Privacy Awareness Week activities.

Media Appearances

Corporate Largesse

  • On Thursday I attended Optus Vision 2013, which meant I was fed food and drink through the day at their expense.

The Week Ahead

I plan to write a story each for Technology Spectator, CSO Online and ZDNet, at the very least, as well as kick off one or more of these new projects. Stay tuned.

It’s my birthday on Thursday, but I’ll just have a quiet drink that night. I’ll head to Sydney on Friday instead and have a proper birthday dinner then, thanks to the Snarky Platypus. I’ll then stay overnight before catching United Airlines flight UA870 to San Francisco on Saturday afternoon, arriving there on Saturday morning.

Saturday night and Sunday day should be free time in San Francisco before, I’m guessing, a social function on Sunday evening serves as prelude to NetSuite’s SuiteWorld. The event proper starts on Monday in San Jose.

[Photo: Changing alphabets, a photograph taken at Optus Vision 2013 once the staffing level of the registration desk had been reduced during the afternoon, and then the desks themselves removed.]