Snarky Platypus and I have created this bingo card for 2025 listing 25 distinctly possible things. We also list the suggestions which didn’t make it.
Continue reading “Bingo Card 2025: Which of these things will happen?”Weekly Wrap 712: A new newsletter and an old photo of some trains at Penrith
My week of Monday 15 to Sunday 21 January 2024 was relatively unproductive, although I did kick off The Weekly Cybers newsletter to replace my Friday blog posts.
Continue reading “Weekly Wrap 712: A new newsletter and an old photo of some trains at Penrith”Weekly Wrap 679: A cow, a podcast, and some disturbing muskiness
My week of Monday 29 May to Sunday 4 June 2023 was more than a day ago, so technically this post is late. There’s not much directly from me, but there’s some client material and a lot of Musky news.
Continue reading “Weekly Wrap 679: A cow, a podcast, and some disturbing muskiness”Weekly Wrap 446: New laws dominate the week
My week of Monday 10 to Sunday 16 December 2018 was dominated by Australia’s new encryption-busting laws, the Assistance & Access Act. Two articles, two radio spots, and yet more in the works.
Continue reading “Weekly Wrap 446: New laws dominate the week”Weekly Wrap 279: The transition, the imminent busy times
My week of Monday 5 to Sunday 11 October 2015 was a strange pause, a transition between weeks of pain and discomfort, and what appear to be some very busy weeks indeed.
I shall let the facts speak for themselves…
- “The 9pm We Are Above All That Stuff”, being The 9pm Edict episode 51, 11 October 2015. The first half-hour of this was actually recorded a week ago.
None, but research is under way for a ZDNet column to be published early on Monday.
Media Appearances
- On Friday, I spoke about Malcolm Turnbull’s private email on ABC 720 Perth.
There were no editions of 5at5 at all this week either, and that’s terrible. Why not subscribe so you’ll get all the future ones?
Corporate Largesse
- On Friday, I went to a briefing by Alcatel-Lucent over lunch at Gowings Bar and Grill.
- The travel and accommodation you’ll see listed for next week is being covered by Tanium.
The Week Ahead
The last few weeks have been rather unstructured. Not so the week ahead. It’s both busy and tightly scheduled.
On Monday, I’ll finish a column for ZDNet, deal with an errand to Penrith, conduct some audio equipment tests, and prepare myself for the rest of the week.
On Tuesday, I catch the 0636 train to Sydney, and then VA830 to Melbourne, sneaking in a quick work session at Meanjin in the afternoon, before a reception kicks off the Australian Information Security Association (AISA) National Conference. I’m covering that event for ZDNet, as well as recording material for my own Corrupted Nerds podcast, through until Thursday.
On Thursday evening, I’ll be wrapping up the Pozible campaign Send Stilgherrian To Ruxcon 2015, which closes at 2230 AEDT. As I write this, it stands at 34% funded.
On Friday, I’ll be writing for ZDNet before flying back to Sydney on VA879 that evening. Whether I continue through to the Blue Mountains, or stay in Sydney overnight, has yet to be decided.
Further Ahead
On Monday 19 October, I’m wrapping up another episode of The 9pm Edict, as well as appearing on Mark Pesce’s podcast TWISTA – This Week in Startups Australia. The middle part of the week has yet to be mapped out, but if things go to plan, on Friday I’ll be heading back to Melbourne for Ruxcon.
[Photo: Crossing the Nepean, with boats, photographed on 9 October 2015.]
The 9pm Public House Forum 1

The Cabbage for Immigration and Border Protection makes an apology. And there’s some useful lifestyle tips from Western Sydney.
This is the first Public House Forum episode of The 9pm Edict. Others may follow.
Continue reading “The 9pm Public House Forum 1”