Weekly Wrap 446: New laws dominate the week

Crossing the Nepean

My week of Monday 10 to Sunday 16 December 2018 was dominated by Australia’s new encryption-busting laws, the Assistance & Access Act. Two articles, two radio spots, and yet more in the works.


I have two part-written stories for ZDNet that should be finished in the coming week.


None. Next week, though…

Media Appearances

  • On Tuesday, I spoke about the Assistance & Access Act on Sydney’s Radio Skidrow, and later in the day on ABC Adelaide. No recordings of them for now, but the Radio Skidrow one will appear in their podcast this coming week.
  • On Friday, I spoke about YouTube’s attempts to get rid of hate speech and other problematic content on ABC Radio’s PM.

Corporate Largesse


The Week Ahead

I’ll be in Sydney on Monday, finishing some writing for ZDNet, dealing with some medical imaging, and catching up with friends. The writing continues on Tuesday, after which I return to the Blue Mountains to continue yet more writing on another project.

On Thursday, Nicholas Fryer and I will be recording another joint episode of The 9pm Edict podcast. It should be posted that night.

Friday is probably about writing too. Given that it’s the last day of the last proper working week before Christmas, though, who can say?

Further Ahead

The following week begins with Christmas Eve, Christmas Day, and Boxing day, followed by two alleged working days before the extend New Year long weekend. I’ll be spending nearly all of it cat-sitting in Ashfield, and adding personal and maybe work things ad libitum.

[Photo: Crossing the Nepean. Part of my regular “Crossing the Nepean” series of images, but this time taken from the old road bridge through the a bus window covered in advertising, photographed on 16 December 2018.]