Weekly Wrap 391: Figs, cheese, and crowdfunding

Dried figs with blue cheeseAs with last week, I won’t say much about the week of Monday 20 to Sunday 26 November 2017 either, except to say that things are, more or less, wonderful. At least by comparison, etc.

In The 9pm Edict Summer Series we reached Target One. Thank you everyone. So now there’ll be two extra episodes of The 9pm Edict podcast over summer:

But, to what happened this week…



Media Appearances

Corporate Largesse


The Week Ahead

Monday through Wednesday I’m concentrating on DirectorTech. Also on Wednesday I’m heading down to Sydney for medical appointments, the ones I’d originally planned to do last Friday, as well as recording a spot for ABC Melbourne. I’ll be answering the question “What is the cloud?” some time after 1900 AEDT.

The rest of the week is unplanned, but I’m sure it’ll include some writing for ZDNet.

[Photo: Dried figs with blue cheese, part of the lovely cheese platter at the West Ryde Hotel. Photographed on 25 November 2017.]

Weekly Wrap 390: A mix of things in Spring

AMP Building, SydneyI won’t say much about my week of Monday 13 to Sunday 19 November 2017. I’m tired. I’ll just encourage you to support my current crowdfunding campaign.

The goal of The 9pm Edict Summer Series is to fund extra episodes of The 9pm Edict podcast over summer. As I write this on Sunday afternoon, 29 supporters have taken us 54% of the way to Target One. With four days to go, we’ve got some catching up to do. Please consider.


Corporate Largesse

  • On Tuesday, I enjoyed the wonderful food and drink of Cafe Sydney during the CQR press lunch.

Podcasts, Media Appearances

None, but see below.

The Week Ahead

Monday through Wednesday will be about writing, for both ZDNet and DirectorTech. Wednesday will also include errands to both Leura and Katoomba, or maybe even Penrith. Exotic!

The next episode of The 9pm Edict podcast will be recorded this Thursday 23 November at 2100 AEST. It will be streamed live via stilgherrian.com/edict/live/ and Spreaker apps.

This episode will include the wrap-up of the Pozible campaign for The 9pm Edict Summer Series, so listen for the final result.

Friday is a Sydney day, with medical and other appointments.

Further Ahead

The exact shape of the next few weeks will depend on the results of The 9pm Edict Summer Series. Do you detect a theme here?

[Photo: AMP Building, Sydney, the building at 33 Alfred Street, Circular Quay, which was the first example of the post-war International style to be built in Sydney. Photographed on 14 November 2017.]

Weekly Wrap 389: Cybers, mist, and productivity

Track in the MistMy week of Monday 6 to Sunday 12 November 2017 was a quite a productive one, especially with some organisational things done in the background. Je suis happy.

The big achievement was launching the crowdfunding campaign for The 9pm Edict Summer Series, to fund extra episodes of The 9pm Edict podcast over summer. As I write this on Sunday evening, 21 supporters have already taken us 45% of the way to Target One. Je suis even very happier.



Media Appearances, Corporate Largesse


The Week Ahead

On Monday, I’m writing for ZDNet, then going through my notes and recordings to see what else I should be writing about before the end of the year.

Tuesday is a Sydney day, primarily to go to a press lunch with cybersecurity company CQR. I may add some meetings, however, so place your bids.

The remainder of the week is mostly work for DirectorTech, but I’ll probably write something for ZDNet too.

Further Ahead

The next episode of The 9pm Edict podcast will be recorded on Thursday 23 November at 2100 AEST. As has become traditional, it will be streamed live via stilgherrian.com/edict/live/.

This episode will include the wrap-up of the Pozible campaign for The 9pm Edict Summer Series.

[Photo: Track in the Mist, being one of the tracks leading to Bunjaree Cottages photographed late on the misty morning of 5 November 2017. While it was misty early in the week, it ended with some bright sunny days.]

Weekly Wrap 388: Laksa, laziness, and lovely conversations

Chicken LaksaMy week of Monday 30 October to Sunday 5 November 2017 was a curious one. Two days represented a great surge forward, then the third I slept the entire day. What is going on?

In case you haven’t noticed, I seem to operate on a cycle of busy weeks interspersed with quieter weeks, at least as it might seem from the outside. This was obviously a quiet week, both for health reasons and because I was collecting some material for future writing — including a wonderful conversation about cyber diplomacy.

Still, that was one of the biggest random waves of energy levels. I think I know why, and it’s a good thing, but here is not the place.

Articles, Podcasts, Corporate Largesse


Media Appearances

After a long gap I’ve finally posted the audio from a couple of my radio spots. Just follow the links.

The Week Ahead

On Monday, I’m writing for ZDNet, then reviewing the story pitches for the next issue of DirectorTech. On Tuesday, I’m writing another thing for ZDNet.

DirectorTech is that sort-of SEKRIT editorial project I was working on over recent months. The first issue of the subscription-only newsletter was emailed on 15 September. The next will be on 28 November. It’s aimed at the corporate market, but it’s possible we’ll have some other subscription options by then.

On Wednesday, I’m putting together my next crowdfunding campaign, for The 9pm Edict Summer Series, which will probably be announced on Thursday. It’s more than a year since my last concentrated ask-for-money burst, and the gods know my budget needs some input. There’s been changes in the crowdfunding landscape since then, though, so this campaign may work slightly differently from previous ones. The details should be announced on Thursday night.

The week will end with some more writing on Friday.

Remembrance Day is on Saturday, though I haven’t decided how I’ll commemorate the occasion this year.

Further Ahead

The next episode of The 9pm Edict podcast will be recorded on Thursday 23 November at 2100 AEST. As has become traditional, it will be streamed live via stilgherrian.com/edict/live/.

You can help support this podcast with a one-off contribution. Any contributions made until 2130 AEDT during the recording will count towards The 9pm Edict Summer Series, and will earn whatever the rewards end up being. You’ll be able to up your contribution to meet that pricing. Stay tuned for the details.

If all goes well, there’ll be another episode of The 9pm Edict before the end of the year, plus another Public House Forum episode much like the last one.

Much of the next few weeks will be about writing, and then making podcasts over summer. I haven’t locked in anything else specific for the rest of the calendar year. Please feel free to make some suggestions.

[Photo: Chicken Laksa being lunch at the MaMa Laksa House in The Grace Hotel, Sydney, photographed on 1 November 2017.]

Weekly Wrap 387: Roses, rain, wine, and cybers

Antique Roses at The AlexMy week of Monday 23 to Sunday 29 October 2017 was adequate. I’ve been having a relaxed Sunday, though, and I don’t want to spoil that, so let’s get on with the show.



Media Appearances

  • On Tuesday, I spoke about the targeting of advertising on social media on ABC Canberra.
  • On Wednesday, I spoke about encryption policies and, briefly, Nazis for the next episode of the Covert Contact podcast, which will appear very soon. If you haven’t done so, you can still listen to my first appearance, the episode about Australian Cyber Policy.
  • My story about an Australian defence contractor’s data breach from a couple of weeks ago was picked up by a Ukrainian news site, and a site in Italian that I didn’t investigate further.

Corporate Largesse


The Week Ahead

Monday will definitely be a jumbled day of editorial planning, research, story pitches, and administrivia. I’m glad I’ve already sketched out the rest of the week.

On Tuesday I’m heading to Sydney for a couple meetings, but I’ve got room for more. I’m also doing a radio spot on ABC Melbourne at 1930 AEDT.

Wednesday will be a day of writing, as will most of the rest of the week.

At some point, I’ll also announce a new crowdfunding campaign. It’s been more than a year since my last concentrated ask-for-money burst, and the gods know my budget needs it. But there’s been some changes in the crowdfunding landscape since then, so I don’t want to rush it. Stay tuned for details.

Further Ahead

At this stage, I haven’t locked in anything specific for the rest of the calendar year. Please feel free to make some suggestions.

[Photo: Antique Roses at The Alex. The back bar of the Alexandra Hotel, Leura, was decorated with a bouquet of antique roses taken from the pub’s own garden. Photographed on 26 October 2017.]