Weekly Wrap 450: Building energy for a year of work

My week of Monday 7 to Sunday 13 January 2019 was another mostly quiet one, continuing a lovely lazy start to the new year. Delight. And needed.

I’m not sure about the continuing thunderstorms and subtropical maritime weather, though. I think we’ve fucked something up.

On Wednesday I went down to the Black Dog Institute in Sydney to take part in some Science. I’ll tell you more about that in a future podcast, or something.

Articles, Podcasts, Corporate Largesse

I eventually finished the final draft of that policy paper on encryption for that American organisation. As I’ve mentioned before, I’m not sure when or even if this will be made public, as opposed to being used internally. I’ll let you know.

Media Appearances

The Week Ahead

Monday is my first official work day for 2019. I’m expecting it to kick off with administrivia and communications and planning — especially the planning, because I’ve been a bit slack about that.

I’m keeping the rest of the week open at this stage, although I’ll almost certainly be down in Sydney on Wednesday again for some health-related things. I’ll also formally start on the podcast schedule.

Further Ahead

While I haven’t begun mapping out the short-term plan, I’m starting to pencil in some of the conferences. This is a very partial list at this stage, only the dates I know.

Please let me know if there’s anything I should add to the list.

[Photo: Energy. The pantograph of a TrainLink NSW V-Set train standing at Sydney Central station, photographed on 7 December 2018.]