Weekly Wrap 729: Pain pounds productivity, but at least the sun started shining

Can I just say that stabbing back pain is far from being one of my favourite things? My week of Monday 12 to Sunday 19 May 2024 was punctuated by pain, so my productivity was way, way down. Next week, though. Next week…


  • The Weekly Cybers #18. It’s a Budget special! Also, Digital ID laws passed, an update on eSafety Commissioner vs X Corp in the Federal Court, and much more.

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You can read my previous writing at Authory, where you can also subscribe to an email compilation of any new stories each Sunday morning.

Podcasts, Media Appearances, Photos, Videos, Corporate Largesse

None of these. You can subscribe to my YouTube channel to be notified when new videos appear and when livestreams are scheduled.


It was interesting to see how the Federal Court of Australia case eSafety Commissioner vs X Corp was reported this week.

The court rejected the commissioner’s application to extend the injunction against X, as I wrote in The Weekly Cybers #18, but the main case is still to happen. Nevertheless, the AFR headlined it as Musk triumphs over Australian government on stabbing videos, a vibe that was echoed by others.

It’s certainly an interesting case, and whatever happens, precedents will be set. But it’s not quite a triumph just yet.

In further musky news:

In other news:

The Week Ahead

On Monday I’m recording a podcast with Esther Anatolitis, editor of literary quarterly Meanjin and other things. If you’re a supporter with TRIGGER WORDS or a CONVERSATION TOPIC for that episode, please get them to me tonight, Sunday 19 May.

On Tuesday I’m recording an episode with digital rights chap and hexagon enthusiast Justin Warren. We’ll be looking at the digital things in the federal Budget, plus whatever else is on our minds. If you’re a supporter with TRIGGER WORDS or a CONVERSATION TOPIC for that episode, please get them to me by 7pm AEST tomorrow, Monday 20 May.

[Update 21 May 2024: This paragraph has been rescheduled due to lack of proper sleep.] They’ll be posted in the opposite order, however: Justin Warren on Tuesday night Thursday, and Esther Anatolitis later in the week on the weekend.

[Update 23 May 2024: I need to slide the podcast posting back a couple more days. Justin Warren on Saturday and Esther Anatolitis early next week.]

The 9pm Edict is supported by the generosity of its listeners. You can throw a few coins into the tip jar or subscribe for special benefits. Please consider.

Wednesday will see a day trip to Sydney for various health purposes, and I’ll be doing various work tasks en route. Then it’s some billable hours for a client on Thursday and The Weekly Cybers on Friday.

Further Ahead

It’s starting to look like I should lock in a few more events, yeah?

[Photo: The Burwood Hotel in Burwood, Sydney, photographed last weekend on 11 May 2024. The boba cocktails are dangerous.]