The Heartbleed saga continued throughout last week. The Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) arrested a 19-year-old who’d allegedly used the vulnerability to exfiltrate date from the Canadian Revenue Agency (CRA) — and that prompted my first appearance on SBS2’s The Feed.
I ended up meeting the SBS cameraman in the pedestrian laneway behind the ABC in Ultimo — that’s the building in the background — talking to presenter Andy Park via a smartphone held in the cameraman’s hand. This is how such things are done. It’s the magic of television.
Here’s the full three-minute story. There’s no supers, so I need to tell you that the other speaker is David Vaile from the University of New South Wales’ Cyberspace Law and Policy Centre.
If for some reason the embedded video immediately above doesn’t work, you can watch it at SBS On Demand, at least for the time being. It is of course ©2014 Special Broadcasting Service.