The other day I discovered that all of the James Bond films are on Prime Video and available free as part of an Amazon Prime subscription. There’s a good few I haven’t seen, so every Tuesday night starting tomorrow I’ll watch one. You can join me.
Continue reading “Announcing Bond on Tuesday #BondOnTuesday”Weekly Wrap 624: Democracy and podcasts, with added wallabies
I kicked off my week of Monday 9 to Sunday 15 May 2022 by getting my voting out of the way in the current federal election campaign. I sorted out the podcast scheduling. And I uploaded some footage of the swamp wallaby clan who visit the Bunjaree Cottages compound most nights.
Continue reading “Weekly Wrap 624: Democracy and podcasts, with added wallabies”Weekly Wrap 623: Recovering from the ’rona with a few very large drinks, plus a podcast
Monday 2 to Sunday 8 May 2022 was my post-covid week. I did socialise a little bit, but I also took it relatively easy. I also did this week’s election podcast.
Continue reading “Weekly Wrap 623: Recovering from the ’rona with a few very large drinks, plus a podcast”Weekly Wrap 622: The week was dominated by COVID-19, but I made it through
Monday 25 April to Sunday 1 May 2022 was the third of three short weeks which had been caused by the public holidays. I spent the entire week in isolation with COVID-19. Hurrah!
Continue reading “Weekly Wrap 622: The week was dominated by COVID-19, but I made it through”REVEALED: Where is the Hill of Dead Pets?
My Twitter followers know that from time to time I tweet “Passing the Hill of Dead Pets”, but where is it? Back in February I set that question as a challenge, asking both WHERE and WHY, because I thought it’d be easy enough to work out. Finally, here’s the answer.
Continue reading “REVEALED: Where is the Hill of Dead Pets?”Weekly Wrap 621: Two podcasts in one week and still not pregnant — oh wait yes I am
Monday 18 to Sunday 24 April 2022 was the second of three short weeks thanks to public holidays. I still managed to knock off two podcasts, and continued to catch up on my bookkeeping. However this weekend brought an annoying chesty cold — or so two negative covid RATs would have me believe. But check the updates, because third time’s the charm.
Continue reading “Weekly Wrap 621: Two podcasts in one week and still not pregnant — oh wait yes I am”