Weekly Wrap 622: The week was dominated by COVID-19, but I made it through

Monday 25 April to Sunday 1 May 2022 was the third of three short weeks which had been caused by the public holidays. I spent the entire week in isolation with COVID-19. Hurrah!

The ’rona had actually hit me in strength on the Sunday, 24 April, with a sharp sore throat and a chunky cough, but a rapid antigen test (RAT) came back negative, as has a routine one the day before. But Monday’s returned positive and the symptoms were just as bad.

Each day this week has seen the symptoms gradually decline, and as I write this on Sunday evening it feels about the same as I feel most weekends. I never lost any sense of taste, and the aches and pains were relatively minor. Even the fatigue was about the as usually inflicts me.

Overall I think I’ve been lucky. How good are vaccines!


The 9pm Edict is supported by the generosity of its listeners, and the election mini-series is outside my planned budget because I am an idiot. You can always subscribe for special benefits or throw a few coins into the tip jar. Please consider.


You can read my previous writing at Authory, where you can also subscribe to an email compilation of any new stories each Sunday morning.


  • The photos in the Waratah sequence 2021 now span 243 days, or a total of seven months from when there were flower buds on 1 September 2021. When will it ever end?

Videos, Media Appearances, Corporate Largesse

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The Week Ahead

Monday will probably be my first day out of COVID-19 isolation, although I’ll confirm that with a rapid antigen test first thing in the morning. If all is well, it’ll be a day of shopping to restock pretty much everything in the larder. And maybe a small drink to celebrate my freedom.

On Thursday morning I’m recording the fourth of my election special podcasts. Then I’ll head down to Sydney to catch comedian Aaron Chen at the Enmore Theatre that evening. I’ll return to the Mountains some time on Friday.

In between all that there will be more of the SEKRIT geek-work and editorial consulting, and possibly some writing for ZDNet. I’ll also organise the remaining special guest episodes of The 9pm Edict so everything gets done by the end of May.

Further Ahead

[Photo: A COVID-19 rapid antigen test showing a positive result. This is the one that finally confirmed my infection on 25 April 2022.]